【京都店】AWOMB食企画ー お弁当盛り付けワークショップ

[Kyoto Store] AWOMB Food Planning - Bento Arrangement Workshop

From 9/19 (Sat.) to 10/6 (Tue.), AWOMB will hold a sales event for new "kimono" products . In addition to types and colors that are not normally available, we will introduce new cotton and autumn/winter materials. Last year was an order meeting, but this time it will be a sales meeting during the period.

Today I would like to introduce you to a special event.


△ Sales event Special “Food” project - Bento arranging workshop

Ujita, the representative of AWOMB, a Kyoto-based sushi and cooking experience, will share tips and hints on how to pack a bento, and design the contents of the bento together with the participants.

Enjoy the finished bento with Kyoto bancha and miso soup made with special miso balls. Please feel free to bring your favorite bento box. We are waiting for you with the taste of autumn.

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Date: 9/20 (Sun), 9/21 (Mon/Holiday)
Time: 11:00-13:00
Venue: PINT (@pint_mn)
Participation fee: ¥2,500 (tax included)
What to bring: Your favorite bento box (if you don't have one, you can use PINT's bento box)
◎Bento contents, tea, bowl, and apron (rental) are included.

Reservation: Please contact us with your desired date and reservation request by one of the following methods.
>> From SNS
PINT's Instagram DM, message to facebook (@PINT)
>> Email
Email to info@pint.mn
>> call
Call 050-6865-3834

Please contact us by [9/17 (Thursday) 24:00].
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[For a safe visit]

To prevent infectious diseases caused by the new coronavirus, customers who participate in the event
・Wearing a mask
・Alcohol disinfection of fingers
・Temperature measurement
will be carried out.

We apologize for any inconvenience, but we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
*If you have an allergic reaction to alcohol, please let us know when making a reservation.


△Kimono 2nd sales event


An apparel brand derived from AWOMB's workwear, based on the idea of ​​sending out manufacturing from Kyoto that will trigger people to learn the goodness of domestic technology and domestic materials again, in order to have an attachment because it is an item that is used every day.

Venue: PINT
Date: 9/19 (Sat) - 10/6 (Tue)
Opening hours: 13:00-19:00
Store holidays during the period: 9/22 (Tuesday), 23 (Wed), 26 (Sat), 27 (Sun), 30 (Wed), 10/5 (Mon)
Days when creators are in store: 9/20 (Sun), 9/21 (Mon/Holiday)

We are looking forward to your participation and visit.