PINTと竜崇collection No.020

PINT and Ryuso collection No.020

ryokan slipper, the only indoor slipper from Ryuso Nui Shoe Shop. Even when worn indoors, the style of Ryuso is kept intact. All kudu leather from upper to sole. It seems to use about the same amount as boots. Split leather is also used for the core material. It seems that there is no more in the slippers.


Khadi Wide Shirt Bengara White SH-17B / unisex / size2

Khadi Wide Shirt Bengara White SH-17B / unisex / size2

Khadi Wide Shirt Bengara White SH-17B / unisex / size2


▼ PINT and Ryuso collection

Long Chong Sewing Shoe Shop

Model Ryuji Kubo (Ryuusou Shoe Shop) 165cm
Photographed by Takao Horiba (Ryusou Shoe Shop)

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