PINTとzawacollection No.1

PINT and zawacollection No.1

I received a picture of Mr. Zawa's meal.

Iron chopstick rest Bamboo chopstick wipe Lacquer square tray Ikkanbari

Iron chopstick rest Bamboo chopstick wipe Lacquer square tray Ikkanbari

Bamboo Chopsticks Wiping Lacquer White Bamboo 22.5cm

iron chopstick rest

Mamemamezara Black

Ikkanbari square tray Yosetake

Other than chopsticks, they also use it when the shop is open. Mr. Zawa, the food and drink menu, and the various fixtures and utensils in the store are wonderful. The menu looks punchy, but it's a gentle space created by Mr. Zawa, who is too nice a guy. Fukushima in Osaka. It's close to Umeda, so please come by.

▼PINT and zawacollection

zawa coffee (instagram link)

Photographed by Mr. Zawa (zawa coffee)

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