PINTとzawacollection No.7

PINT and zawacollection No.7

2nd generation minimum wallet used by Mr. Zawa, 3 months old. I got used to it with no more scars than when I was 2 months old.
There are also softer leathers, and the oil from your hands and friction will make them shiny, and scratches will no longer be visible as they are coated. By the way, although it is different, the horse chestnut plate, which is a standard PINT potter's wheel, will soon become familiar with oil stains and become conspicuous, and will change over time in the same way.
There are many kinds of things that should be kept clean, but in PINT, basically all of them grow while changing after being used. The shopkeeper's personality is that he doesn't care about anything, he just wants to use it without maintenance, and it makes every moment of use fun.
You can't turn back time, so if you get a scratch or stain, let's get through it in the direction of assimilation. It's a type of thing. If you are in the same lineage, I think you will enjoy a lot of things in our shop.

Minimum wallet compact wallet cowhide

Minimum wallet compact wallet cowhide

Minimum wallet compact wallet cowhide

minimum wallet

▼PINT and zawacollection

zawa coffee (instagram link)

Photographed by Mr. Zawa (zawa coffee)

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