
Kyoto store opening schedule information

In April, with the move to Kyoto, we decided to set up a physical store.

The location is between Kyoto Imperial Palace and Kamogawa. Looking at the map, it is around the lower right of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. The nearest train station is Keihan Jingu Marutamachi Station (8 minutes on foot), near the Kojinguchi intersection where Kawaramachi Street and Kojinguchi Street meet, on the 3rd floor of an old building. It is near Kamogawa Cafe, Seikosha, and kit. The address and map will be announced separately after the opening.

Until now, it was only web sales, except for sales events. We received many requests to see the actual product and consider it, but there was no place where you could see the product all the time, so we could only tell you through the website, email, and phone.

At PINT, there are many products that use solid wood and natural materials with individual differences, as well as one-of-a-kind handmade products by craftsmen, and most of them are original. The amount of production is small, and the wholesale distribution is also narrowed down from the balance between production and price. We have made every effort to convey the manufacturing process of our products as much as possible so that customers can choose our products.

From now on, we will prepare all products and you will be able to take a look at them. There are also material samples and samples of the manufacturing process that you can feel the temperature of materials and manufacturing. I would like to make it a place where you can learn about materials, manufacturing, how to use, and various things related to things. Please stop by when you come to Kyoto.

Interior work is currently underway. The opening is scheduled for the end of April. If you know the details of the business day, we will show you again.

PINT Nakaji