If you connect these scraps with patchwork, you can make another one, frameporch without gusset L. Leather can get scratches, and unlike cloth, it's not square in shape, so it's quite difficult to cut it cleanly the first time. I think that all leather craftsmen are made to make the most of it while avoiding it. was.
At PINT, most of the woven linen products other than clothes are originally made, and at this time, scraps are inevitably produced. Even if there is no use for it, it cannot be thrown away because it is a really good fabric. In the case of linen scraps, I use them for pojagi curtains, patchwork linings for haori coats, and handmade bias tapes. But even so, there are small scraps that can't be used up. I know how to handle scraps and how to handle them.

・frame porch <deerskin sumi-dyed/L> Leather shoulder pouch x 1 (patchwork x 1)
In the first round, about 70-80% of the leather was used, and in the second round, more than 10% was used. As you can see from the shape of the remnants, of course they are not of uniform shape, but of various sizes with curved lines, so I thought about the pattern while putting them together like a puzzle and sewed them together with a sewing machine. I think it's definitely a difficult production, but I think it's a straight and pleasant way to make it using the leather of one cow.
At the time of this second round of delivery, of course, the scraps were also attached together. It was down about 60-70%. (The scrap photo data at the end of the second round has disappeared, so there are no photos.)
▼Leather before 2nd lap 30%
▼ 2nd round production 15%
・frame porch <deerskin sumi-dyed/L> leather shoulder pouch x 1 (patchwork)
▼Leather after 2nd round 30-15=15%
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